Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Group Reflection (Before Going)

- I am really looking forward to this trip as it is my first time and also the only opportunity traveling with teachers and friends as a school! I can't wait to meet other new another friend soon too while I am there. Traveling overseas, I also can learn and appreciate many other things that is not in Singapore!

- One thing that I wish to learn from this trip is to develop my sociability. On top of that, to experience the way of line in China. Surely with this trip,it could help enhance a more confident person inside of me in voicing out my thoughts, regardless of whom I'm with and what situation I'm in. Also, with the 8 days spend in China student, enabling me to experience the living standards there and at the same time, sharing the same opinions or different point of views of life. Furthermore, one main objective of me pursing the trip is to gain a deeper understanding of the Chinese Culture and to study their unique tradition more independent.

- I wish to learn more about their cultures there and to be more sociable through this trip. Different countries has got different cultures thus, I'm interested in China's. In this trip, we would get to interact with different people whom we do not know and never seen before. This would encourage sociability in us and this would definitely aid in our future life; working.

- I feel excited because this is the 1st time I traveled by air.Looking forward to the day I go to Kunming and at the same time feeling sad to leave my family especially my mom.The things that would like to learn , how their school looks like,what subject that are taught ,what are the CCA available,hows the weather like and what kind of house the students live in.

- I’m looking forward to go china because, I want learn more things about the culture and how they live their life in. I also want experience different kinds of things that they had plan for us during our visit and learn how to communicate well with one another in China. I feel excited before going as I want meet my friends there and interested in learning more things from them!

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