Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 8

Time flies. Oh...What!? Today's our last day?
Wow, where are we? Went zig-zag up to our last destination, Western Hills! As we drop of the bus and talk to each other, wow, we are smoking! Haha, actually, it's water vapour. 

Then we spotting a resturant with translation error. Here it goes: 
"Yunnan cuisine cooking blame classics"
Which food is blaming on this food? o_O Haha!
Little raindrops started to drop on our head.....but that didn't stop us from going....we took the buggy up!
Went through the cave, and out!
 Woow! So cold!!!.....But you have to guess...did we manage to reach the Dragon Gate?

As we reach Kunming International Airport....Our hearts start to sadden. It's time to say good bye to Kunming. On the plane, we wave out of the window....
"Bye Kunming...."  


Zzzz..... What a nice sleep....Where are we? Here we are!


Although we stay in Kunming for only 8 days, we have learn many things in Kunming. We probably have mastered part of geography! China, Kunming. Haha!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 7

WOW, PUKE!! The theme park in Dinosaur Valley was very thrilling! 360 degree ride is really very challenging. It makes you feel like you’re entering hell while turning. OH MY GOD

Many people couldn’t take it and vomited. Some over challenge their limit and became sick :( . Turn out many teachers and students have to take care and worried about them. Sigh.
What a bad thing to end up with in the theme park.

We have also visited the museum of fossils. IT WAS SERIOUSLY COOL! Perhaps the coolest thing of all!
Its our first time seeing this in real life rather than on television. We also went to watch a mini-cinema that showed dinosaurs were extinct. Surprisingly, the floor vibrated and shook all of us and we all went screaming! Annoying much? Finally we managed to have a 10-minutes shopping and almost everyone rushed to the souvenir shop. 

WHOO-HOO~! As for dinner, the Muslim and the Chinese students were separated to have their dinner at different places. The Chinese went to a restaurant to have 过桥米线 and Steamed-pot Chicken (Qiguoji) as well as performances put up by the people there. It was a performance about how the noodles came about and some about Yunnan. The performance was great and the yummy noodles were delicious too! I wish Singapore would have this and would eat this every week!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 6

Heartbreak. A very specific word to describe this day. We had to depart from Anning Middle School and the students. Most of us were practically sobbing profusely in the bus, especially Shahren and Nabihan. We are really going to miss them all.


However, it was a wholesomely fun experience being together with them, especially this day as we performed live in front of the students and exchanged gifts. Finally, the teachers praised us proudly that we sang very loudly and our hand movements were organized. In short, we felt happy that the 2 months of practices paid off. 

Unfortunately, it was rather saddening that after a happy time performing, there comes the heartbreaking moment of exchange of gifts and the final time for photo taking and a get-together. It felt as if it was our final time meeting each other to laugh, talk and see one another. From that moment, most of our hearts were practically melting and some started sobbing.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 5

Yawn. Oh my goodness. We went to Anning Middle school to learn Taiji. It was totally boring and almost everyone feels like sleeping. It has got no sound effects with those ‘He He He Har Har’ and the movement was slow. That was the worst program we ever had so far… Everyone went “FINALLY!” when the whole thing ended. See how boring it was?!

We also toured around the school and we went “WOW!” when we visited their experiments laboratory. It was so equipped with the things needed. We also visited the specimens room and realised many things were made by the teachers and students in Anning. It was so well-made because it looked so real. We were all fascinated by the specimens. Some were once alive!

Oh yeah! We became teachers in the morning, teaching the primary six students from Wen Quan Primary School some conversational English. We were very nervous and were so lost because we don’t know what to teach and say when their basic were already there and we have to come up with impromptu plans.

 After getting the experience of teaching the first class, we improvised while teaching the second. The students were so eager to learn and they were very cute in the way they speak. We also gave our very first performance to our buddies from Anning Middle School and students from Wen Quan Primary School. It was a success! Our group member, Shahren became so enthusiastic after the songs. We seriously enjoyed ourselves today!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 4

Yawn. Stone Forest was very dreary and energy-draining. However, we still were fascinated with all the interesting shaped rocks, which resembles faces or features of mammals such as eagles and noses.

ALAMAKKKKK! Cable car! Almost all of us were terrified however, everyone went through bravely. This is what friends are for! Furthermore, all of us had to walk 4 kilometres, up and down the stairs. IT WAS VERY TIRING! All of us were busy taking breathtaking photos.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 3

Wow! A visit to the Anning student houses and spending half the afternoon with them is absolutely an amazing experience. Having the opportunity to sit, breathe and chat with them in their own houses is exceptionally great. Furthermore, being able to tour around the city without any adult supervision makes the whole trip more exciting. Seeing mesmerizing sceneries, making dumplings and went shopping with them……. 

Sightseeing in the cold weather, closely observing the culture of Yunnan people. We can differentiate the different minorities by their language, their costumes and instruments they play.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 2


It was way far more awesome than yesterday. Of course, everyday with new challenges and fun. Not only had we have a fun time in Anning Middle School, we also had established new friendships. Without any arguments, our most (times ten) enjoyable time would definitely be the Changquan; Long Fist, where a Master taught us a routine. The most memorable part of the routine would be the sound effects from us. " Ah! Ha!...He! Wo!...." then all the laughter start.

Still, everything about the routine was exhilarating as we were all stretching, twisting, and almost breaking our bones by turning our body our body in all directions. What are we, sponges or something? However, we still find it humorous though.

We wouldn’t have had this much fun if it wasn’t for the Bilingual Speech. It was mad hilarious, especially when our schoolmate, Munee, presented her speech. Believe it or not, the podium was taller than her and we could only see her white headband throughout her speech despite having the trouble to tip-toe. What’s more heart-warming was when the Anning students stand hand-in-hand and sang a song, which resembles family-hood. 



Calligraphy done by the master


Calligraphy done by our group memeber, April.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 1

WE’RE IN CHINA! But unfortunately, it was not as exciting as we thought it would be. We were mostly rushing here and there to keep up with time, especially at the Thai airport. We had dilly-dallied too long along our walk to the plane that we were forced to rush to the bus in the end. From then onwards, almost everything went haywire on this day. It was truly saddening to start of this fine holiday feeling rather blur and tiresome.

To top it all of, WE DIDN’T GET TO SHOP!

However, it was not all that bad. As we were window-shopping, we came across a bold man kite flying. It was an eye-opener for us because despite him being beside us, the kite he flew looked a thousand miles away up in the sky that it seemed so tiny like a black dot.

What’s more amazing is that he agreed to allow our schoolmate, Saqinah, to try it out. Who knew something so common such as kite flying could have been a thrilling experience for not only us, but also the other passer-by. In conclusion, this day had its ups and downs. Currently, we’re just hoping that tomorrow will be a better day.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pre-trip reflection

 I was so excited in preparing the lesson plan, as it is going to be my first time teaching the children. You never know what is the children reaction going to be and how is it like standing in front of the class teaching them. I volunteer myself in doing the Indian dance. Although I'm a Chinese, I'm willing to try another type of dance culture. It is so fun that I never fail to wake up early and  go back to school to practice with my friends. This dance is also fast and challenging. The Indian dance people also help out in the sing along. Together, we will be able to make this far!

Before we go for China; Yunnan; Kunming, we had prepare lot of things such as performance and lesson & games planning. It was last minutes for two groups to prepare their science experiment but they did it. We also practice our performance on our national day songs, dance from Nabihan, Mustaqim, Husnul, Sabrina and instrument played by Shawn which will be bought up to the Wen Quan primary school & Anning Middle School in their school. I think everyone enjoy the rehearsal performance a lot.

The lesson plan was a very last minute work as we were only informed 1-2weeks before we fly over. It was amazing when everyone of us took only 9 days to complete everything and the work was quite wonderfully done. Initially, most of us had no confidence in doing a job. it was those out-going people who motivated us, making us to believe in ourselves that we can do it. And many of this motivation came from people i was not closed to. From here, i learnt the importance of friendship. Another one was the our song and dance practice. The secondary 3 students were having our bridging period and we missed out quite a lot of the practices planned. I think that perseverance was what kept us moving on, to put up a performance that we're not going to be embarrassed of in front of our twinning school. Again, friendship played an important role here.

It was a very last minute since we heard we have to teach 11-12 years old students. We persevere throughout to keep the lesson done. Practicing songs was challenging too as we have to risk to wake up in the morning .For my own dance practice along with Nabihan & Husnul ,we do practise until it is perfect and smoothly. I keep on practicing so that it will get well when we going to perform there .This is what keep inspiring me , from the sentence from Mrs Tan; ‘We're the chosen one’. I don’t want to upset them, the teachers, and my teammates, group C.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What have we been doing.....

26 Oct
Did sing along

29 Oct
Did dance, sing along and lesson planning

1 Nov
Came early to prepare our lesson preparation. Dance is half way done and also try to master 3 more songs.
Munnaeru Vaalibaa
Chan Mali Chan

2 Nov
Dance is almost done. Sing along is improving a lot .

8 Nov
Rehearse on dance and sing along.

9 Nov
Rehearse together, went quite well.