Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pre-trip reflection

 I was so excited in preparing the lesson plan, as it is going to be my first time teaching the children. You never know what is the children reaction going to be and how is it like standing in front of the class teaching them. I volunteer myself in doing the Indian dance. Although I'm a Chinese, I'm willing to try another type of dance culture. It is so fun that I never fail to wake up early and  go back to school to practice with my friends. This dance is also fast and challenging. The Indian dance people also help out in the sing along. Together, we will be able to make this far!

Before we go for China; Yunnan; Kunming, we had prepare lot of things such as performance and lesson & games planning. It was last minutes for two groups to prepare their science experiment but they did it. We also practice our performance on our national day songs, dance from Nabihan, Mustaqim, Husnul, Sabrina and instrument played by Shawn which will be bought up to the Wen Quan primary school & Anning Middle School in their school. I think everyone enjoy the rehearsal performance a lot.

The lesson plan was a very last minute work as we were only informed 1-2weeks before we fly over. It was amazing when everyone of us took only 9 days to complete everything and the work was quite wonderfully done. Initially, most of us had no confidence in doing a job. it was those out-going people who motivated us, making us to believe in ourselves that we can do it. And many of this motivation came from people i was not closed to. From here, i learnt the importance of friendship. Another one was the our song and dance practice. The secondary 3 students were having our bridging period and we missed out quite a lot of the practices planned. I think that perseverance was what kept us moving on, to put up a performance that we're not going to be embarrassed of in front of our twinning school. Again, friendship played an important role here.

It was a very last minute since we heard we have to teach 11-12 years old students. We persevere throughout to keep the lesson done. Practicing songs was challenging too as we have to risk to wake up in the morning .For my own dance practice along with Nabihan & Husnul ,we do practise until it is perfect and smoothly. I keep on practicing so that it will get well when we going to perform there .This is what keep inspiring me , from the sentence from Mrs Tan; ‘We're the chosen one’. I don’t want to upset them, the teachers, and my teammates, group C.

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